
User's interact on Kade by creating posts, reacting, commenting, quoting and reposting. All these interactions have to be signed by the user, or one of their delegates before being submitted to the publications smart contract(still under development), and propagated to all the docks in Kade's network. Each dock keeps a full history of all the interactions users have done in the network. There are 4 different forms of user generated content

  • Post - this is a regular post e.g Alice makes a post saying she loves cats

  • Reaction - Bob and Chad like the post Alice Made

  • Quoting - Bob writes a post referencing Alice's original post saying he thinks cats are awesome

  • Reposting - Chad creates a reference to Alice's original post.

The lifecycle of all user interactions on Kade, looks like this:

  1. Alice creates a new post

  2. Alice(or her delegate which is her app) signs this post and submits it to the publications smart contract.

  3. The smart contract validates the delegate exists in the network, and assigns the new message an id, and then emits a publication creation event

  4. A dock ingests the new event, validates it and then writes it to its relational db (this process is repeated by all docks in the network)

  5. Bob's client can now query the Dock they are connected to and see Alice's post

  6. Bob can react to it, going through the same process.


  • We're still thinking about how much of this data docks should store, and for how long.

Last updated