A majority of user interactions, from posts, reactions, reposts etc require a signed transaction to be submitted to our publications smart contract. It would be inconvenient if the user had to constantly do this every time they needed to create a post or react to one.
To solve this problem we've come up with what we're calling delegates. Delegates are Aptos accounts, with a public key, private key and address. They are meant to be created when a user signs in for the first time on a new device, and should be stored securely, by the client(application) the user is connecting to Kade with, on the device they are using.
A user can add as many delegates as they'd like to their account, and can remove them from their account as well, if need be.
Since delegates will be signing the user's transactions to the Kade Smart contract, they need to be funded in order to cover gas fees. This amount will vary depending on the number of interactions the user expects to do with our smart contract. We recommend a starting point of at least $1, which should cover the gas fees for a large number of publications and interactions. This can also be subsidised by the client application on the network, whereby, the client application signs the transactions as a fee payer, making the onboarding and general user experience a lot easier.
Last updated
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